California, Here We Come

Welcome to BodySpec! We're a startup dedicated to delivering accurate and actionable body composition information to help you reach your health and fitness goals. We're going to be offering dual x-ray absorptiometry (DXA or DEXA) body composition tests out of our mobile truck, starting out at gyms around Los Angeles and Southern California.
Our scans provide detailed body fat, muscle mass and bone density breakdowns by region of your body. This is more than just one overall body fat percentage - it enables you to pinpoint changes in your body composition and track those changes over time. As a fitness assessment tool, the DXA scan is simply unmatched.
The BodySpec team has been working hard on bringing the first BodySpec truck to LA. In mid-December, our founder Bryce actually drove the truck 3,200 miles to bring it back home to SoCal! Here are some highlights from his trip:
Here's a first glimpse of our truck, the scanner, and the snowy terrain that they braved. Fun!
The whole trip took three days. Each morning Bryce was up with the sun. No time to waste sleeping in! But the long hours of driving were monotonous. To wake himself up, Bryce dropped by Koda CrossFit in Oklahoma City, run by fellow Air Force alum Brice Collier. Thanks for the workout, Brice!
Finally, we made it back home to Cali. First stop: the DMV! There, the truck officially became a California resident. Here are Bryce and co-founder Jason changing the plates out.
In the last couple weeks of December, we did a lot of testing and training to work out the kinks. We wanted to make sure that the truck and scanner were both operationally solid before opening up our services to the public in January. We can't wait to get people on this thing - we really believe that these scans offer really valuable information about your health, and we're looking forward to stopping at a gym near you! In the meantime, you can follow the ongoing adventures of the BodySpec truck on Facebook Twitter
Thanks, and see you on the road soon!