What to Expect When You're Expecting a DEXA, Post COVID Shutdown
2 mins read

To help reduce the risk of COVID-19, BodySpec will be taking several precautionary steps at our stores and vans. We ask for your cooperation to help keep everyone safe.
These procedures have been developed with the input of our medical supervisors in each region, as well as our team.
Here’s what to expect:
- As of December 15, 2021, masks will be required in Southern California for all clients in compliance with the most recent health orders requiring indoor mask usage regardless of vaccination status. In our other service regions, masks are highly recommended but not required for clients. Staff will continue to wear masks. Wearing your mask will not affect your results - see our blog post about when we scanned an N95 mask.
- If possible, please wait in your vehicle until the time of your appointment. If you need to stand outside the van or storefront, please stay at least 6 feet away from others and observe social distancing guidelines.
- BodySpec technicians will be verbally instructing you on scan positioning, with contact kept to a minimum.
- You will still receive an email with your PDF results promptly, but you will not receive a printed scan report or folder.
- You will also be asked to join a remote consultation instead of an in-person consultation.
- We may keep van doors open in order to facilitate airflow.
- All shared equipment will be sanitized and disinfected between clients. Deep cleaning and disinfecting of the facility will also happen after each scan day.
- Hand sanitizer will be provided for your use.
Thank you in advance for your understanding and help in keeping everyone safe and healthy.