Over 180,000 clients

Train smarter with Matt Johnson

Join ultrarunner Matt Johnson in using DEXA data to build endurance without sacrificing strength. Get $10 off with code MJ.

Cover: Matt Johnson
Mobile: Matt Johnson

Learn how Matt optimizes ultra training with DEXA data

AI assistant

AI-powered body composition analysis

Get targeted results based on your goals

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Sample Report: Report Image (mobile)

Track what matters for endurance

HalfImage: Man with Medicine Ball

Ultra Training Insights

Why do ultra runners need DEXA scans?

High-mileage training changes your body in ways your watch can't measure. While your apps track distance and pace, DEXA shows you what's actually happening to your muscle mass and bone density during those long training blocks. Start understanding the true impact of your training. Get started

How does Matt use DEXA data?

Regular scans help maintain the crucial balance between endurance and strength. Monitor muscle mass during peak mileage weeks, ensure your body isn't breaking down during intense training blocks, and optimize your nutrition for those long mountain days. Get started

What makes DEXA essential for trail runners?

Mountain ultras demand both endurance and strength. DEXA helps you maintain the muscle mass needed for technical trails and climbs while optimizing your body composition for endurance. Track left-right symmetry and ensure your training builds resilience for the long miles ahead. Get started

When should ultra runners get scanned?

Start with a baseline scan before your training block. Track changes every 8-12 weeks through your build, and monitor recovery after key races. This data helps you maintain strength while building the endurance needed for ultra distances. Get started

Trusted by endurance athletes nationwide!

Testimonials: Profile Alex
Alex K.San Francisco, CA
The precision of DEXA completely changed my training. I discovered my smart scale was off by 8% on body fat - this level of accuracy is unmatched.
Testimonials: Alex 1
Testimonials: Alex 2
Testimonials: Profile Maya
Maya S.Dallas, TX
The segmental analysis helped me identify and correct muscle imbalances I never knew I had. My training is now much more targeted and effective.
Testimonials: Maya 1
Testimonials: Maya 2
Testimonials: Profile James
James L.Seattle, WA
As someone obsessed with data, DEXA gives me the precise metrics I need to optimize my training and nutrition. The bone density tracking is a game-changer.
Testimonials: James 1
Testimonials: Profile Riley
Riley P.Los Angeles, CA
I've been working out & eating on a calorie deficit, but my scan showed I was actually burning muscle (not fat). A few changes to my diet made a HUGE difference!
Testimonials: Riley 1
Testimonials: Riley 2
Testimonials: Profile David
David M.Austin, TX
After my scan, I adjusted my meal prep, balancing macronutrients and protein timing, and finally saw real muscle growth and body composition improvements.
Testimonials: David 1
Testimonials: David 2
Testimonials: Profile Alex
Alex K.San Francisco, CA
The precision of DEXA completely changed my training. I discovered my smart scale was off by 8% on body fat - this level of accuracy is unmatched.
Testimonials: Alex 1
Testimonials: Alex 2
Testimonials: Profile Maya
Maya S.Dallas, TX
The segmental analysis helped me identify and correct muscle imbalances I never knew I had. My training is now much more targeted and effective.
Testimonials: Maya 1
Testimonials: Maya 2
Testimonials: Profile James
James L.Seattle, WA
As someone obsessed with data, DEXA gives me the precise metrics I need to optimize my training and nutrition. The bone density tracking is a game-changer.
Testimonials: James 1
Testimonials: Profile Riley
Riley P.Los Angeles, CA
I've been working out & eating on a calorie deficit, but my scan showed I was actually burning muscle (not fat). A few changes to my diet made a HUGE difference!
Testimonials: Riley 1
Testimonials: Riley 2
Testimonials: Profile David
David M.Austin, TX
After my scan, I adjusted my meal prep, balancing macronutrients and protein timing, and finally saw real muscle growth and body composition improvements.
Testimonials: David 1
Testimonials: David 2
Testimonials: Profile Alex
Alex K.San Francisco, CA
The precision of DEXA completely changed my training. I discovered my smart scale was off by 8% on body fat - this level of accuracy is unmatched.
Testimonials: Alex 1
Testimonials: Alex 2
Testimonials: Profile Maya
Maya S.Dallas, TX
The segmental analysis helped me identify and correct muscle imbalances I never knew I had. My training is now much more targeted and effective.
Testimonials: Maya 1
Testimonials: Maya 2
Testimonials: Profile James
James L.Seattle, WA
As someone obsessed with data, DEXA gives me the precise metrics I need to optimize my training and nutrition. The bone density tracking is a game-changer.
Testimonials: James 1
Testimonials: Profile Riley
Riley P.Los Angeles, CA
I've been working out & eating on a calorie deficit, but my scan showed I was actually burning muscle (not fat). A few changes to my diet made a HUGE difference!
Testimonials: Riley 1
Testimonials: Riley 2
Testimonials: Profile David
David M.Austin, TX
After my scan, I adjusted my meal prep, balancing macronutrients and protein timing, and finally saw real muscle growth and body composition improvements.
Testimonials: David 1
Testimonials: David 2
Testimonials: Profile Alex
Alex K.San Francisco, CA
The precision of DEXA completely changed my training. I discovered my smart scale was off by 8% on body fat - this level of accuracy is unmatched.
Testimonials: Alex 1
Testimonials: Alex 2
Testimonials: Profile Maya
Maya S.Dallas, TX
The segmental analysis helped me identify and correct muscle imbalances I never knew I had. My training is now much more targeted and effective.
Testimonials: Maya 1
Testimonials: Maya 2
Testimonials: Profile James
James L.Seattle, WA
As someone obsessed with data, DEXA gives me the precise metrics I need to optimize my training and nutrition. The bone density tracking is a game-changer.
Testimonials: James 1
Testimonials: Profile Riley
Riley P.Los Angeles, CA
I've been working out & eating on a calorie deficit, but my scan showed I was actually burning muscle (not fat). A few changes to my diet made a HUGE difference!
Testimonials: Riley 1
Testimonials: Riley 2
Testimonials: Profile David
David M.Austin, TX
After my scan, I adjusted my meal prep, balancing macronutrients and protein timing, and finally saw real muscle growth and body composition improvements.
Testimonials: David 1
Testimonials: David 2

Join Matt in training smarter:

Get your baseline data to understand your true starting point
Track muscle maintenance during high-mileage weeks
Monitor recovery between key training blocks

Beyond the basics: What DEXA reveals

Muscle Retention
Muscle Retention
Monitor lean mass during high-mileage weeks to maintain strength for technical trails.
Bone Health
Bone Health
Track how your skeletal system adapts to increased training loads.
Running Economy
Running Economy
Optimize your power-to-weight ratio for both climbs and descents.
Recovery Insights
Recovery Insights
See how your body bounces back between long runs and training blocks.
Muscle Retention
Muscle Retention
Monitor lean mass during high-mileage weeks to maintain strength for technical trails.
Bone Health
Bone Health
Track how your skeletal system adapts to increased training loads.
Running Economy
Running Economy
Optimize your power-to-weight ratio for both climbs and descents.
Recovery Insights
Recovery Insights
See how your body bounces back between long runs and training blocks.
Half Image: Report on Tablet

Train like Matt: Data-driven endurance

You track every mile, climb, and recovery day. Now understand how your body is actually adapting to the demands of ultra training.

Half Image Block: Health Hangout

Expert guidance for ultra runners

Our specialists help you interpret your data to optimize both endurance and strength for the long miles ahead.

Save $10 on your baseline scan with code 'MJ'

Join Matt in training smarter. Start tracking what matters for ultra performance.